Timon Braun is a graduate of the New College of Florida in Applied Mathematics and is continuing his education by pursuing a Computer Science degree. He has completed an internship with CrossXColor and is currently interning at HYBRID Software, experiencing practical applications of his studies. Through his internship with HYBRID Software, he represented ColorLogic at the 2022 Printing United Expo. During his studies, Timon has researched various aspects of the Basel Problem. His passion for math led him to develop a formula to represent the chaotic behavior of a double pendulum. When he is not active with sports, he uses his mathematical analysis to hustle colleagues in billiards. Timon plans to use his love for math to elevate color in the next generation of color management.

 Methodology of Developing a Color SpaceTimon Braun, CrossXColor, Inc

Thorsten Braun, ColorLogic/CrossXColor; Timon Braun, New College of Florida

In the pre-press and reproduction industry, colorimetric color models play a big role in processing and manipulating colors. However, even the most accepted standards of such models still face issues with correctly representing colors and any changes applied to them. Therefore, this paper presents a methodology of developing a new color model with more consistent perceptual properties. Applications of such a model, like color processing, color management, and color manipulation, should have improved accuracy. A crucial aspect of such a color model is consistent and defined conversions for common data exchange spaces, like CIELAB.

An important part of such a methodology is a method to evaluate models. This will be done by comparing set pairs of colors with given properties, in terms of lightness, chroma, and hue. This method can analyse how well a color space reflects the expected given properties.

We will also discuss different mathematical modules to obtain stability when converting between standard color exchange models. This is necessary to process color values reflecting non-real colors. For example, the CIELAB color (100, 100, 100) is a valid combination in the CIELAB color space, however it cannot physically exist as a real object. Still, we must be able to process such triplets.